...narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Dec 29, 2007
A Change in Plans
I have some thoughts concerning Mary and Joseph’s flight to Egypt after Jesus was born. Traveling with a newborn certainly wasn’t in their plans. They were just in Bethlehem to register for the census! They probably didn’t even have much with them, because it was going to be a relatively short stay. An angel appears to Joseph in a dream, in the middle of the night, and instructs him to leave Bethlehem immediately (not after daybreak, mind you) and head for Egypt. Talk about dreading late night phone calls! Now the young family was setting off on a long journey that would delay their returning home for several years. Imagine flying to California to sign a few important papers only to be informed that you had to fly to Canada in the middle of the night and then spend several years there. All you had with you was carry on luggage!
God often leads us where we don’t want to go or didn’t plan to go. As humans, our response can range from surprise to irritation to fear to anger. Once again, I am reminded that God is more concerned with my response to events and people rather than what is actually happening. He is building a temple – foundations must be laid, marble chiseled out of the mountain, columns used as supports. He does this by strengthening our character and making us more like his Son. This can only happen as we are obedient to him and malleable in his hands. His promises to walk with us and to never abandon us are our comfort and our joy in the journey, wherever that may lead us.
Joseph left his job, tools, resources in Nazareth, not thinking he would need them for the short trip to Bethlehem and back. There was no time to return to Nazareth and collect his tools before heading to Egypt. He had to trust you to provide for the daily food and shelter and clothing. He didn’t have a job waiting for him in Egypt. He would have to find work when he arrived. Lord, this is so applicable to our present situation. Thank you for revealing these promises to me and reassuring me of your presence in every situation.
A Change in Plans
I have some thoughts concerning Mary and Joseph’s flight to Egypt after Jesus was born. Traveling with a newborn certainly wasn’t in their plans. They were just in Bethlehem to register for the census! They probably didn’t even have much with them, because it was going to be a relatively short stay. An angel appears to Joseph in a dream, in the middle of the night, and instructs him to leave Bethlehem immediately (not after daybreak, mind you) and head for Egypt. Talk about dreading late night phone calls! Now the young family was setting off on a long journey that would delay their returning home for several years. Imagine flying to California to sign a few important papers only to be informed that you had to fly to Canada in the middle of the night and then spend several years there. All you had with you was carry on luggage!
God often leads us where we don’t want to go or didn’t plan to go. As humans, our response can range from surprise to irritation to fear to anger. Once again, I am reminded that God is more concerned with my response to events and people rather than what is actually happening. He is building a temple – foundations must be laid, marble chiseled out of the mountain, columns used as supports. He does this by strengthening our character and making us more like his Son. This can only happen as we are obedient to him and malleable in his hands. His promises to walk with us and to never abandon us are our comfort and our joy in the journey, wherever that may lead us.
Holy God, my husband and I are on that journey to Egypt. We don’t know why or where we’re going, but we know it’s an uncharted path for us. Remind me that you are more concerned with my responses each day to events and people rather than my navigation techniques. Just as you didn’t tell Joseph everything that lay ahead for his little family, you have not revealed your plans for us. All you ask is for us to look to you for guidance, direction and strength for each day.
Joseph left his job, tools, resources in Nazareth, not thinking he would need them for the short trip to Bethlehem and back. There was no time to return to Nazareth and collect his tools before heading to Egypt. He had to trust you to provide for the daily food and shelter and clothing. He didn’t have a job waiting for him in Egypt. He would have to find work when he arrived. Lord, this is so applicable to our present situation. Thank you for revealing these promises to me and reassuring me of your presence in every situation.
Dec 20, 2007
I Believe This Is Yours

This is a good time of year to consider what you have done with this amazing Gift. You will never receive another as great.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
I Believe This Is Yours
One of our favorite PBS programs each December is the Christmas concert of St. Olaf College in Minnesota. Last evening, as we were enjoying the program, the choirs broke into the joyous proclamation of the birth of our Savior with the Isaiah passage of Handel’s Messiah – For Unto Us a Child is Born - taken from Isaiah 9:6. It is a portion that I have heard hundreds of times and wonderfully captures the excitement and miracle of this holy event. This time, however, something strange occurred to me. The angels did not say, “Unto Mary and Joseph is born a child.” They proclaimed, “Unto you is born a Child.” They were addressing the shepherds! The birth of this Child was to have a personal impact on them. Indeed, this Child was born for everyone to claim. He was a Gift to the entire world, not just to Mary and Joseph. All of a sudden this becomes very personal. A Child is born for you. When someone gives you a tremendous gift, you have to make a decision as to what you will do with it. Put it in a place of honor and cherish it, ignore it, relegate it to storage or throw it away. Likewise, you must make a decision about this Child and what role He will have in your life, if any at all. Living your life as if He doesn’t exist is a choice in itself.
This is a good time of year to consider what you have done with this amazing Gift. You will never receive another as great.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Dec 17, 2007
What are my other choices?
I appreciate the honesty of one of my favorite bloggers - Abbot Joseph. Today's reflection - Where You Do Not Wish to Go - spoke directly to my situation and perhaps it will touch you also. Here are some excerpts (to read the full article, go to Word Incarnate)
One of the things that characterizes the life of one who would follow Jesus ... is that by agreeing to be a disciple of Christ, we are agreeing to be led where we do not wish to go (v. 18). This doesn’t mean that we do not wish to follow Jesus or that we do not wish to go to Heaven as a consequence. But it means that discipleship is costly, and the demands are such that we would not choose for ourselves the hardships and sacrifices that the Gospel requires. The immediate context in John makes it clea
r that Jesus was referring to St Peter’s martyrdom, but the whole of Christian life is a witness (Greek martys) to Christ and retains something of that character.
“Can you drink the cup that I must drink?” (Mark 10:38).
Why does Jesus say all that stuff about drinking cups of suffering and having to go where we don’t want to go and denying ourselves and taking up our crosses and losing our lives for his sake? Probably because if we don’t do all that we will end up as self-centered, navel-gazing, spineless, complacent, arrogant, obnoxious, hard-hearted schmucks, and we’ll probably forfeit the Kingdom to boot. It’s just that we spontaneously shrink from hearing the summons to suffering and the call to the Cross. Nobody wants to go where they don’t want to go; nobody wants to drink what they don’t want to drink. But the Lord says that this is how it is going to be.
In order to wean us away from the tantalizing tinsel of this world, the Lord needs to set us upon the demanding yet invigorating and enlightening path of service, self-sacrifice, and genuine love. The cup He offers may seem bitter, but that’s only because we’ve become addicted to cokes and kool-aid. We need to acquire a taste for something a little more demanding. We may not wish to go where He calls us to go, but that’s only because we’ve become spiritual couch-potatoes who would rather not venture to climb Mt Everest, even if it promises to be the most exhilarating experience of our lives.
We have to overcome that resistance which is an inheritance of original sin and be persuaded that the Kingdom of Heaven is worth whatever it takes to enter there.
But I’d rather that the Lord give me a hard word than that He simply ignore me, leaving me to my own deficient devices. I’d rather be led to the Cross than left out of the Kingdom.
These are appropriate words for me. This is where I am. This is where I've been. This is where I'm going. I am being led where I wouldn’t have, on my own volition, chosen to go. This is not the comfortable path that I was traveling. I have been launched out into an unknown country with uncertain developments. I don’t even know at this point how we are going to pay our “daily bills”. But all praise be to God, he loves us enough to keep us from our self-centeredness. There is no growth when we are self-sufficient. The muscles of faith cannot be strengthened without exercise and stretching. We can look back at times in our lives when life was difficult and uncertain and be grateful for God’s leading and blessings. We say, “I wouldn’t trade those times for anything in the world!” And yet we hesitate the next time the slats are pulled out beneath our feet – so great is our desire for predictability and security.
For those of us who have been or are currently parents of small children, recall those times when your child was upset, rebellious or out of control. What did you say to them? “Look at me…” You wanted to change their perspective and give them assurance. They needed to look into your eyes in order to benefit from your strength and protection.
Lord, keep my eyes on you and my ears attentive to your words of comfort and direction!
What are my other choices?
I appreciate the honesty of one of my favorite bloggers - Abbot Joseph. Today's reflection - Where You Do Not Wish to Go - spoke directly to my situation and perhaps it will touch you also. Here are some excerpts (to read the full article, go to Word Incarnate)
One of the things that characterizes the life of one who would follow Jesus ... is that by agreeing to be a disciple of Christ, we are agreeing to be led where we do not wish to go (v. 18). This doesn’t mean that we do not wish to follow Jesus or that we do not wish to go to Heaven as a consequence. But it means that discipleship is costly, and the demands are such that we would not choose for ourselves the hardships and sacrifices that the Gospel requires. The immediate context in John makes it clear that Jesus was referring to St Peter’s martyrdom, but the whole of Christian life is a witness (Greek martys) to Christ and retains something of that character.
“Can you drink the cup that I must drink?” (Mark 10:38).
Why does Jesus say all that stuff about drinking cups of suffering and having to go where we don’t want to go and denying ourselves and taking up our crosses and losing our lives for his sake? Probably because if we don’t do all that we will end up as self-centered, navel-gazing, spineless, complacent, arrogant, obnoxious, hard-hearted schmucks, and we’ll probably forfeit the Kingdom to boot. It’s just that we spontaneously shrink from hearing the summons to suffering and the call to the Cross. Nobody wants to go where they don’t want to go; nobody wants to drink what they don’t want to drink. But the Lord says that this is how it is going to be.
In order to wean us away from the tantalizing tinsel of this world, the Lord needs to set us upon the demanding yet invigorating and enlightening path of service, self-sacrifice, and genuine love. The cup He offers may seem bitter, but that’s only because we’ve become addicted to cokes and kool-aid. We need to acquire a taste for something a little more demanding. We may not wish to go where He calls us to go, but that’s only because we’ve become spiritual couch-potatoes who would rather not venture to climb Mt Everest, even if it promises to be the most exhilarating experience of our lives.
We have to overcome that resistance which is an inheritance of original sin and be persuaded that the Kingdom of Heaven is worth whatever it takes to enter there.
But I’d rather that the Lord give me a hard word than that He simply ignore me, leaving me to my own deficient devices. I’d rather be led to the Cross than left out of the Kingdom.
These are appropriate words for me. This is where I am. This is where I've been. This is where I'm going. I am being led where I wouldn’t have, on my own volition, chosen to go. This is not the comfortable path that I was traveling. I have been launched out into an unknown country with uncertain developments. I don’t even know at this point how we are going to pay our “daily bills”. But all praise be to God, he loves us enough to keep us from our self-centeredness. There is no growth when we are self-sufficient. The muscles of faith cannot be strengthened without exercise and stretching. We can look back at times in our lives when life was difficult and uncertain and be grateful for God’s leading and blessings. We say, “I wouldn’t trade those times for anything in the world!” And yet we hesitate the next time the slats are pulled out beneath our feet – so great is our desire for predictability and security.
For those of us who have been or are currently parents of small children, recall those times when your child was upset, rebellious or out of control. What did you say to them? “Look at me…” You wanted to change their perspective and give them assurance. They needed to look into your eyes in order to benefit from your strength and protection.
Lord, keep my eyes on you and my ears attentive to your words of comfort and direction!
Dec 7, 2007
Prayer Warriors
Luke 9:29-31 - As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus. They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem.
Here we have the Transfiguration passage. This miraculous event has been the topic of many sermons with an emphasis on God the Father’s endorsement of his Son and what was about to happen. Not much has been noted about the presence of Moses and Elijah in many sermons, other than the fact that Moses represents the Law and Elijah the Prophets of the Old Testament. This is indeed significant in light of Jesus’ words as recorded in the gospel of Matthew.
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished (Matthew 5:17-18).
Christ’s life, death and resurrection are the fulfillment of the entire Old Testament. It is fitting that Moses and Elijah should appear right before these events take place. But let’s step back from the theological implications and observe a few other things. The Son of God was facing the culmination of his mission on earth – the restoration of mankind’s relationship to God. He knew the pain and suffering that waited for him in Jerusalem. Later, in the Garden of Gethsemane, he would pour out his heart to his heavenly Father, asking that this bitter cup be taken from him. Christ wasn’t the only one who knew about this impending atonement. Moses and Elijah certainly knew and understood what Christ was facing. What an act of love from the Father to send these two holy men to his Son to speak with him, encourage him, and pray for him. Jesus would have known these men and loved them.
This passage also gives us some insight into the universal church – those saints in heaven and those living here on earth. The concept of believers who have died having a ministry of intercession for those of us here below was unquestioned before the Reformation. Somehow, this connection with the saints above has fallen by the wayside in the last 500 years. Undoubtedly, corruption in the Church led many to throw away the baby with the bath water. As a result, we Protestants have little understanding or appreciation for the ministry these believers can have in our lives.
Next time you start asking friends to pray for you, stop and consider those who are close to the throne of God and request their prayers for you too. What a prayer team!
Prayer Warriors
Here we have the Transfiguration passage. This miraculous event has been the topic of many sermons with an emphasis on God the Father’s endorsement of his Son and what was about to happen. Not much has been noted about the presence of Moses and Elijah in many sermons, other than the fact that Moses represents the Law and Elijah the Prophets of the Old Testament. This is indeed significant in light of Jesus’ words as recorded in the gospel of Matthew.
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished (Matthew 5:17-18).
Christ’s life, death and resurrection are the fulfillment of the entire Old Testament. It is fitting that Moses and Elijah should appear right before these events take place. But let’s step back from the theological implications and observe a few other things. The Son of God was facing the culmination of his mission on earth – the restoration of mankind’s relationship to God. He knew the pain and suffering that waited for him in Jerusalem. Later, in the Garden of Gethsemane, he would pour out his heart to his heavenly Father, asking that this bitter cup be taken from him. Christ wasn’t the only one who knew about this impending atonement. Moses and Elijah certainly knew and understood what Christ was facing. What an act of love from the Father to send these two holy men to his Son to speak with him, encourage him, and pray for him. Jesus would have known these men and loved them.
This passage also gives us some insight into the universal church – those saints in heaven and those living here on earth. The concept of believers who have died having a ministry of intercession for those of us here below was unquestioned before the Reformation. Somehow, this connection with the saints above has fallen by the wayside in the last 500 years. Undoubtedly, corruption in the Church led many to throw away the baby with the bath water. As a result, we Protestants have little understanding or appreciation for the ministry these believers can have in our lives.
Next time you start asking friends to pray for you, stop and consider those who are close to the throne of God and request their prayers for you too. What a prayer team!
Nov 14, 2007
Dark Alleys
His 12 year old daughter was dying – the light of his life. Although he was a respected, religious leader, he could do nothing to restore his child to health.
She had been to every doctor possible. No one could help her. She was weak from twelve years of bleeding and an outcast in her society.
Their brother was dead. He had been in the grave 3 days. They couldn’t understand why their best friend hadn’t come when he heard of the illness. He might have been able to help him.
He had everything a man could want – wealth, grown children who enjoyed being together, the blessings of God. All was taken away from him in one day. Then his physical health plummeted, and his friends concluded that it he brought all this upon himself.
She was down to the last bit of food for her son and herself. There was nothing in the pantry and no hope of any food to come. She had used every ounce of resources she had.
The city was soon to be attacked and captured by a foreign nation. Two men from that nation had promised her and her family protection and freedom. As she huddled in her home, waiting for her rescuers, she wondered if she had been foolish to trust their words. What if they had lied to her?
In every situation, a person has come to a dead end – an alley with no escape. They have exhausted all their options. They have used up all their resources. There is grief, sorrow, fear, anxiety, and little if any hope. These situations are God’s specialty! This is when his glory shines the most. This is when we see the power and might of the God whom we serve. He shares his glory with no one.
O, child of God, he wants to bless us with his power and might, but we need to be willing to go to the end of the alley where there is darkness and no hope of escape. He will not abandon us. He will walk down the alley with us and wait with us. He knows all about dark alleys. Remember Gethsemane? Remember the cross? I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be in a dark alley with than Jesus.
Dark Alleys
His 12 year old daughter was dying – the light of his life. Although he was a respected, religious leader, he could do nothing to restore his child to health.
She had been to every doctor possible. No one could help her. She was weak from twelve years of bleeding and an outcast in her society.
Their brother was dead. He had been in the grave 3 days. They couldn’t understand why their best friend hadn’t come when he heard of the illness. He might have been able to help him.
He had everything a man could want – wealth, grown children who enjoyed being together, the blessings of God. All was taken away from him in one day. Then his physical health plummeted, and his friends concluded that it he brought all this upon himself.
She was down to the last bit of food for her son and herself. There was nothing in the pantry and no hope of any food to come. She had used every ounce of resources she had.
The city was soon to be attacked and captured by a foreign nation. Two men from that nation had promised her and her family protection and freedom. As she huddled in her home, waiting for her rescuers, she wondered if she had been foolish to trust their words. What if they had lied to her?
In every situation, a person has come to a dead end – an alley with no escape. They have exhausted all their options. They have used up all their resources. There is grief, sorrow, fear, anxiety, and little if any hope. These situations are God’s specialty! This is when his glory shines the most. This is when we see the power and might of the God whom we serve. He shares his glory with no one.
O, child of God, he wants to bless us with his power and might, but we need to be willing to go to the end of the alley where there is darkness and no hope of escape. He will not abandon us. He will walk down the alley with us and wait with us. He knows all about dark alleys. Remember Gethsemane? Remember the cross? I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be in a dark alley with than Jesus.
Nov 1, 2007
The Seemingly Insignificant
We have always had a love-hate relationship with the honey bee. Honey is a delight to our taste buds, but getting stung by the producer of this sweet liquid can be a traumatic event. For most of us, our knowledge about this insect revolves around the bees gathering pollen to make the honey for their hives, and we’ve learned how to harvest that honey over the centuries. For centuries, monasteries engaged in beekeeping in order to utilize the beeswax for the many candles they needed and the honey for food preparation and medicinal purposes.
Recently, there was a documentary on PBS that examined a troubling trend around the globe.
In the winter of 2006, a strange phenomenon fell upon honeybee hives across the country. Without a trace, millions of bees vanished from their hives. A precious pollinator of fruits and vegetables, the disappearing bees left billions of dollars of crops at risk and threatened our food supply. The epidemic set researchers scrambling to discover why honeybees were dying in record numbers -- and to stop the epidemic in its tracks before it spread further. – PBS, Silence of the Bees
Most of us would be saddened upon hearing this, thinking that we might have to give up one of our favorite culinary delights. But the impact of this global extermination goes far beyond what we put on our toast in the morning. The agriculture of the entire world depends on this tiny insect. No pollinators – no plants – no food – worldwide famine. If you thought our planet was fragile before, well, the ice just got a little thinner.
I can’t help but be (no pun intended) amazed that God would create such a small creature that would have such an enormous impact on all of creation. For the most part, we go about our lives completely oblivious as to the role of the honey bee’s contribution to our “daily bread”. Such unawareness of the delicate balance in God’s creation is a reminder to me that He often uses the very small, the very weak, and the seemingly insignificant to have a tremendous impact in His kingdom. We are easily impressed with the strong, the verbally gifted, the over achiever, the highly intelligent. We may feel we don’t have much to contribute and that no one sees our efforts to reach out, to love, to show kindness to others. In God’s kingdom, no one is insignificant and even the smallest gesture or word can have eternal consequences in the lives of others.
The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof. (Matthew 13:31,32)
The Seemingly Insignificant
We have always had a love-hate relationship with the honey bee. Honey is a delight to our taste buds, but getting stung by the producer of this sweet liquid can be a traumatic event. For most of us, our knowledge about this insect revolves around the bees gathering pollen to make the honey for their hives, and we’ve learned how to harvest that honey over the centuries. For centuries, monasteries engaged in beekeeping in order to utilize the beeswax for the many candles they needed and the honey for food preparation and medicinal purposes.
Recently, there was a documentary on PBS that examined a troubling trend around the globe.
In the winter of 2006, a strange phenomenon fell upon honeybee hives across the country. Without a trace, millions of bees vanished from their hives. A precious pollinator of fruits and vegetables, the disappearing bees left billions of dollars of crops at risk and threatened our food supply. The epidemic set researchers scrambling to discover why honeybees were dying in record numbers -- and to stop the epidemic in its tracks before it spread further. – PBS, Silence of the Bees
Most of us would be saddened upon hearing this, thinking that we might have to give up one of our favorite culinary delights. But the impact of this global extermination goes far beyond what we put on our toast in the morning. The agriculture of the entire world depends on this tiny insect. No pollinators – no plants – no food – worldwide famine. If you thought our planet was fragile before, well, the ice just got a little thinner.
I can’t help but be (no pun intended) amazed that God would create such a small creature that would have such an enormous impact on all of creation. For the most part, we go about our lives completely oblivious as to the role of the honey bee’s contribution to our “daily bread”. Such unawareness of the delicate balance in God’s creation is a reminder to me that He often uses the very small, the very weak, and the seemingly insignificant to have a tremendous impact in His kingdom. We are easily impressed with the strong, the verbally gifted, the over achiever, the highly intelligent. We may feel we don’t have much to contribute and that no one sees our efforts to reach out, to love, to show kindness to others. In God’s kingdom, no one is insignificant and even the smallest gesture or word can have eternal consequences in the lives of others.
The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof. (Matthew 13:31,32)
Oct 20, 2007
Life's a Blur
At the pace we travel, rushing about, there is very little that we actually see – or that we see for more than a blur. The Scriptures tell us that the pure in heart are blessed for they shall see God. We are not the pure in heart – nor is our heart slow enough to even begin the process of becoming pure. – Father Stephen Freeman, Orthodox priest
Consider the phenomenon of the movie. Traditional films are made up of a series of individual images called frames. When these images are shown rapidly in succession, the viewer has the illusion that motion is occurring. The viewer cannot see the flickering between frames due to an effect known as persistence of vision, i.e., the eye retains a visual image for a fraction of a second after the source has been removed. The result is a perception of motion due to a psychological effect. If you slow the film down, you can actually see the spaces. Our inability to see the flickering doesn’t negate the existence of that reality.
There is a spiritual realm that exists and surrounds us constantly. Scripture has quite a lot to say about this other realm and the fact that it is more authentic and relevant to our lives than the world in which we employ our five senses. We think that we are observant and aware of most everything around us as we navigate through our strenuous and demanding days. Even our efforts to pursue righteousness through spiritual disciplines – prayer, evangelism, bible study, fellowship, church attendance – can result in an impressive “showing”, but caution is advised – you may be merely speeding up the film. The only way to become aware of this parallel world is to slow down enough to be able to see it and then respond to it. We need to take the time to become aware of God’s presence and allow him to speak to us in the “spaces”.
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" – I Kings 19: 11-13
Life's a Blur
"At the pace we travel, rushing about, there is very little that we actually see – or that we see for more than a blur. The Scriptures tell us that the pure in heart are blessed for they shall see God. We are not the pure in heart – nor is our heart slow enough to even begin the process of becoming pure." – Father Stephen Freeman, Orthodox priest
Consider the phenomenon of the movie. Traditional films are made up of a series of individual images called frames. When these images are shown rapidly in succession, the viewer has the illusion that motion is occurring. The viewer cannot see the flickering between frames due to an effect known as persistence of vision, i.e., the eye retains a visual image for a fraction of a second after the source has been removed. The result is a perception of motion due to a psychological effect. If you slow the film down, you can actually see the spaces. Our inability to see the flickering doesn’t negate the existence of that reality.
There is a spiritual realm that exists and surrounds us constantly. Scripture has quite a lot to say about this other realm and the fact that it is more authentic and relevant to our lives than the world in which we employ our five senses. We think that we are observant and aware of most everything around us as we navigate through our strenuous and demanding days. Even our efforts to pursue righteousness through spiritual disciplines – prayer, evangelism, bible study, fellowship, church attendance – can result in an impressive “showing”, but caution is advised – you may be merely speeding up the film. The only way to become aware of this parallel world is to slow down enough to be able to see it and then respond to it. We need to take the time to become aware of God’s presence and allow him to speak to us in the “spaces”.
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" – I Kings 19: 11-13
Oct 18, 2007
Off the Leash
My husband and I are at a point in our life where the slats have been pulled out from underneath us. His position was scaled back and he needs to look for full time employment elsewhere. It was unexpected and emotionally painful. Thankfully, God's presence through this shaking of the snow globe has been very real and powerful. We know he has shut one door, but we're in that long, dark hallway waiting for another door to open. My fearful dog, Mason, is a good reminder to me. Outside is a scary place for him, but he is happy knowing that he is with us. He knows us well enough to trust us to get him safely home. That's all God asks of us - to be content to walk beside him, trusting that he will guide and direct our paths. We don't need to see the map. He will take care of us. Enjoy his presence, learn from him and give him the glory.
"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:28-34
Off the Leash
"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:28-34
Sep 30, 2007
Limitless Resources
Is the world I live in one of scarcity or abundance? The answer to the question has much to do about almost every decision I make. The threat of scarcity tells me that whatever I have, like my own life, is limited. Nothing is ever enough. There is not enough money, enough food, enough love. The abundance enjoyed by another is always at the expense of myself and others because the world is governed by scarcity. Thus I must fight; I must wrestled to gain whatever I can and cling to it till death wrests it from my cold, dead fingers. - Father Stephen
We do view everything here on earth as “limited” – water, oil, gas, food, land, money, time, even the air we breathe. We can’t even imagine a resource that is limitless. And yet Jesus offered the woman at the well such a resource: "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." – John 4:13,14
God commands us to love, forgive, show mercy, and give of our material possessions, because he will keep supplying us with all that we need. We don’t have to hoard and ration and stock the pantry. He will never run out. The source of this goodness and life isn’t a lazy trickle of water coming out of a dry, Texas canyon in August. No, it’s bubbling up and overflowing the rocks and cracks. It is cool, refreshing and life-giving to plants, animals and people. We can’t drink fast enough to slow down the speed with which it gushes forth. Then why do we withhold forgiveness and love from others? Why are we stingy and possessive of the articles we claim as “ours”? We will never be able to exhaust God’s resources. Whatever others take from me is taken from the abundance that God pours into my life. It will be replaced and multiplied a hundredfold!
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6: 37, 38
Limitless Resources
Is the world I live in one of scarcity or abundance? The answer to the question has much to do about almost every decision I make. The threat of scarcity tells me that whatever I have, like my own life, is limited. Nothing is ever enough. There is not enough money, enough food, enough love. The abundance enjoyed by another is always at the expense of myself and others because the world is governed by scarcity. Thus I must fight; I must wrestled to gain whatever I can and cling to it till death wrests it from my cold, dead fingers. - Father Stephen
We do view everything here on earth as “limited” – water, oil, gas, food, land, money, time, even the air we breathe. We can’t even imagine a resource that is limitless. And yet Jesus offered the woman at the well such a resource: "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." – John 4:13,14
God commands us to love, forgive, show mercy, and give of our material possessions, because he will keep supplying us with all that we need. We don’t have to hoard and ration and stock the pantry. He will never run out. The source of this goodness and life isn’t a lazy trickle of water coming out of a dry, Texas canyon in August. No, it’s bubbling up and overflowing the rocks and cracks. It is cool, refreshing and life-giving to plants, animals and people. We can’t drink fast enough to slow down the speed with which it gushes forth. Then why do we withhold forgiveness and love from others? Why are we stingy and possessive of the articles we claim as “ours”? We will never be able to exhaust God’s resources. Whatever others take from me is taken from the abundance that God pours into my life. It will be replaced and multiplied a hundredfold!
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6: 37, 38
Sep 25, 2007
"Fundamentally, the mystical life is a life lived with and in God, being led and “walking” by the Spirit. God is both the goal of our pilgrimage and our companion on the way. We were created for divine communion. “Birds fly, fish swim, and man prays,” is a patristic dictum. When prayer and the awareness of the presence of God characterize your whole life and define your reason of being, you have become a mystic. Congratulations!" - Abbot Joseph

I marvel at the spiritual elders I read about – the monks, nuns, saints, missionaries – who have experienced the presence and workings of God for decades. They are the ones I want to listen to – they are the “experts” in spirituality. They are the trained technicians when it comes to our relationship with God. Hmmm…which would you rather believe? – one who has gone to seminary for four years and can argue any theological position or someone who has wrestled with the powers of darkness, experienced the very presence of God, and sat under the wings of the Almighty? If the world was coming to an end, I would gladly move in with the mystic!
"Fundamentally, the mystical life is a life lived with and in God, being led and “walking” by the Spirit. God is both the goal of our pilgrimage and our companion on the way. We were created for divine communion. “Birds fly, fish swim, and man prays,” is a patristic dictum. When prayer and the awareness of the presence of God characterize your whole life and define your reason of being, you have become a mystic. Congratulations!" - Abbot Joseph

I marvel at the spiritual elders I read about – the monks, nuns, saints, missionaries – who have experienced the presence and workings of God for decades. They are the ones I want to listen to – they are the “experts” in spirituality. They are the trained technicians when it comes to our relationship with God. Hmmm…which would you rather believe? – one who has gone to seminary for four years and can argue any theological position or someone who has wrestled with the powers of darkness, experienced the very presence of God, and sat under the wings of the Almighty? If the world was coming to an end, I would gladly move in with the mystic!
Sep 8, 2007
Friendly Fire
Proverbs 12:18 – Reckless words pierce like a sword.
How painful are the wounds of a friend. The pain goes deep and lingers. We walk in disbelief that someone so close to us, someone we trusted, someone who has access to our heart and emotions, could cause such pain. Friendly fire: “fire, as by artillery, by one’s own forces, especially when causing damage near or casualties to one’s own troops.” At one moment, you are in the battle together, moving forward; the next moment, you are hit by someone in your own unit. Confusion, shock, and disbelief. How could this happen? The safety and strength you felt as part of a stronger force suddenly disappears and you feel vulnerable and unsure. Maybe I am walking in the wrong direction. Maybe I don’t know my fellow soldiers as well as I thought. Was I too trusting?
When we have been hurt by those within the body of Christ, we can go to our Lord and Savior for understanding and compassion. He suffered in this area more than any of us ever will. The ultimate betrayal – Judas’ kiss – was from one he loved dearly. Did Jesus stop loving him? No, he didn’t even lash out in anger. Christ knew that this was all a part of God’s plan – God would use it for good. This is the part that we can’t get our minds around – how God can utilize hurt, pain, and suffering for good. In our culture, these conditions warrant outrage and even judgment. In God’s kingdom, we are to turn the other cheek and pray for them. Obviously, this is a supernatural act – our human nature recoils at this response. As we consider the hurt we have sustained, let us also be reminded of the myriad times that we have walked in disobedience, dishonored God’s name, and said cruel words that have hurt others. We are not blameless ourselves, and we need as much mercy and grace as the one who has caused us such deep pain and sorrow.
Friendly Fire
Proverbs 12:18 – Reckless words pierce like a sword.
How painful are the wounds of a friend. The pain goes deep and lingers. We walk in disbelief that someone so close to us, someone we trusted, someone who has access to our heart and emotions, could cause such pain. Friendly fire: “fire, as by artillery, by one’s own forces, especially when causing damage near or casualties to one’s own troops.” At one moment, you are in the battle together, moving forward; the next moment, you are hit by someone in your own unit. Confusion, shock, and disbelief. How could this happen? The safety and strength you felt as part of a stronger force suddenly disappears and you feel vulnerable and unsure. Maybe I am walking in the wrong direction. Maybe I don’t know my fellow soldiers as well as I thought. Was I too trusting?
When we have been hurt by those within the body of Christ, we can go to our Lord and Savior for understanding and compassion. He suffered in this area more than any of us ever will. The ultimate betrayal – Judas’ kiss – was from one he loved dearly. Did Jesus stop loving him? No, he didn’t even lash out in anger. Christ knew that this was all a part of God’s plan – God would use it for good. This is the part that we can’t get our minds around – how God can utilize hurt, pain, and suffering for good. In our culture, these conditions warrant outrage and even judgment. In God’s kingdom, we are to turn the other cheek and pray for them. Obviously, this is a supernatural act – our human nature recoils at this response. As we consider the hurt we have sustained, let us also be reminded of the myriad times that we have walked in disobedience, dishonored God’s name, and said cruel words that have hurt others. We are not blameless ourselves, and we need as much mercy and grace as the one who has caused us such deep pain and sorrow.
Aug 31, 2007
I'm Almost Finished
Let me just admit it. I don’t like things that are unfinished. It seems that 90% of my daily activities involve trying to complete something – laundry, a transcription, a manual, finances, running errands, etc. Then there are the activities that span, not just hours or days, but years – college, child raising, marriage, paying off a 30 year mortgage, etc. Sure, we have milestones. We breathe a sigh of relief and then…move on to the next project. Since so much of our time is spent in activities, we begin to believe that our identity is linked with them. Acquaintances look forward to and plan for their retirement – buying that lake house, sleeping in, reading the entire newspaper, playing a round of golf. A year later, they are bored and feel overwhelmed by a sense of worthlessness. So where is true fulfillment?
"Life always ends before it's finished" (Walter Ong SJ). Here is the bigger picture. Our life does not consist of just the few short years here on this earth. We were made for eternal life. The life that we will live after death is incomparable to the few generations spent here. Doesn’t it make sense to spend more time thinking about that life than this short span of time? What if we were to look at this earthly life as a preparation for the life ahead? Begin living like the citizen that you will become. Need an instruction manual? It’s all spelled out in God’s Word. Instead of frantically trying to complete everything in your lifetime, look at everything as a training ground for what lies ahead. Nothing is wasted and you are investing in the future.
I'm Almost Finished
Let me just admit it. I don’t like things that are unfinished. It seems that 90% of my daily activities involve trying to complete something – laundry, a transcription, a manual, finances, running errands, etc. Then there are the activities that span, not just hours or days, but years – college, child raising, marriage, paying off a 30 year mortgage, etc. Sure, we have milestones. We breathe a sigh of relief and then…move on to the next project. Since so much of our time is spent in activities, we begin to believe that our identity is linked with them. Acquaintances look forward to and plan for their retirement – buying that lake house, sleeping in, reading the entire newspaper, playing a round of golf. A year later, they are bored and feel overwhelmed by a sense of worthlessness. So where is true fulfillment?
"Life always ends before it's finished" (Walter Ong SJ). Here is the bigger picture. Our life does not consist of just the few short years here on this earth. We were made for eternal life. The life that we will live after death is incomparable to the few generations spent here. Doesn’t it make sense to spend more time thinking about that life than this short span of time? What if we were to look at this earthly life as a preparation for the life ahead? Begin living like the citizen that you will become. Need an instruction manual? It’s all spelled out in God’s Word. Instead of frantically trying to complete everything in your lifetime, look at everything as a training ground for what lies ahead. Nothing is wasted and you are investing in the future.
Aug 22, 2007
Believing is Seeing
Why do we minimize the reality or importance of those elements in the universe which we cannot see, touch, feel or taste? We don’t deny the existence and power of the wind, ocean currents, gravity, black holes, heat, etc. Ever been in a life threatening situation and afterward sensed that some presence was protecting you from harm? What about rounding a corner in the Rocky Mountains only to see a breath taking view of a valley exquisitely framed by snow-capped mountains? Awe and wonder wash over you. What if the most powerful, the most significant, the most important forces in the universe are those that are invisible? How would you live your life differently?
“…don’t focus on, don’t become obsessed with, don’t give all your time and energy to what perishes, even if you need it for this present life.,, The Bread from Heaven, the Living Water, the divine words that will not pass away, and our relationship with God—which is the only thing we will take with us when we die—must be where our most focused and sustained attention abide, the goal of our best efforts.” – Abbot Joseph
Believing is Seeing
Why do we minimize the reality or importance of those elements in the universe which we cannot see, touch, feel or taste? We don’t deny the existence and power of the wind, ocean currents, gravity, black holes, heat, etc. Ever been in a life threatening situation and afterward sensed that some presence was protecting you from harm? What about rounding a corner in the Rocky Mountains only to see a breath taking view of a valley exquisitely framed by snow-capped mountains? Awe and wonder wash over you. What if the most powerful, the most significant, the most important forces in the universe are those that are invisible? How would you live your life differently?
“…don’t focus on, don’t become obsessed with, don’t give all your time and energy to what perishes, even if you need it for this present life.,, The Bread from Heaven, the Living Water, the divine words that will not pass away, and our relationship with God—which is the only thing we will take with us when we die—must be where our most focused and sustained attention abide, the goal of our best efforts.” – Abbot Joseph
Aug 18, 2007
Putting the Pieces Together
"One can't help thinking how their lives might have been, might be different if someone was able to pay more attention, to give more time. The fact of God's love for every human being has to be made real and particular by some other specific human being. The people who drift in and out of our world with apparently no anchor are reminders of the great value there is in loving attention to another human being." — Don Talafous OSB
Here then are the two facets of the Christian life: love of God and love of man. St. Benedict of Nursia (Italy) had much to say about this. We must be at peace with God and then we will be at peace with men – reaching out to them in love and mercy and compassion. Don’t get the order mixed up.
First, realize that “God exacts of you less than your guilt deserves” (Job 11:6). He has already shown us unimaginable mercy in sending his Son, Jesus Christ. This, should cause us to seek him and fall at his feet in gratitude and willingness to serve in any way he asks.
Second, once we realize what God has done for us and his desire to restore us to the original state of his creation before the fall in the garden of Eden, we should be assured of his eternal, never-ending love for us. He only desires good for us. “Good” does not mean fulfilling our every selfish desire. As a parent, you know that that cannot be. A child must be trained and disciplined and encouraged to grow in a certain path. Lessons must be taught, wisdom passed on, and instruction in righteousness. These are all “good”. God is not our personal genie. If you truly want to experience life and peace, you must seek after him and follow his lead.
Third, having come to this point of acceptance and desire for God’s centrality in our life, we are then motivated to reach out to those who don’t know where to find “bread”, those who are hungry, thirsty, hurting, and in pain. The gift of life is not something to be hoarded and kept to ourselves to enjoy. It must be shared. It was intended to be shared. You are not the only creature on the planet whom God wants to restore to the original creation. His heart aches for all of mankind. We cannot hide this gift, this treasure, this pearl of great price. But this goes beyond merely preaching the gospel, sharing the four laws, or handing out a tract. It involves touching, hugging, clothing, feeding and listening to those who are unlovely, irritating and difficult to be around. Look at the weird group of people Jesus walked and talked with!
These instructions are so hard to put into practice. My tendency has always been to see my spiritual life as something for my personal restoration and strengthening. It is, but in the kingdom of God, it is also the source of bestowing blessing on others. A marvelous reminder of this truth is the cross itself. The vertical piece is erected first and the horizontal piece placed upon it. Our relationship with God must come first and foremost before we can hope to reach out to others in true love and compassion.